venerdì 15 luglio 2011

cos'è casa ?

Vivere insieme alla tua famiglia, condividere i problemi e stare faccia a faccia con tua madre. E vedere la sua faccia.
A volte i bambini perdono la loro famiglia e non sanno chi sono e chi è la loro mamma, guardono le altre donne, la loro faccia e pensano se tua madre fosse come lei o diversa? Pensano sempre di vedere la sua faccia e ritornare alla loro famiglia.
Miliae di bambini immigrat si trasferiscono in Europa e in altri paese del mondo senza famiglia senza nessuno chi li possa aiutare. Alcuni di loro dormono per strada e nessuno li aiuti, anche quando stanno male o sono pieni di problemi. Perfortunamente quando arrivano in italia lo stato li invia alle case famiglie o altri centri per bambini. Non so come funziona nelle altre case famiglie, ma conosco alcuni di centri di accoglienza di Roma. come CPIM e SPES CONTRA SPEM.
CPIM: è un centro di accoglienza per minori immigrati, quando i minori arrivano nella città di Roma devono rivolgersi al CPIM er iniziare ie loro percorse di conoscenza della società italiana e avere i documenti legali per stare in italia.
SPES CONTRA SPEM: è una cooperativa sociale con 4 case famiglie di tipologia divers.
1: CASA BLU:- per disabili con più di 30 operatori che lavorano 24 ore su 24.
2:CASA SALVATORE:- per disabili pero non hanno stessi problemi come Casa blu.
3:APPRODO:- per minori stranieri non accompagnati e per minori italiani.
4:SEMI DI AUTONOMIA:- per i neomaggioenni che dicidono di perseguire ie percorso di accoglienza.

Io sono stato in queste 4 case e ho visto come funzionano, ma soprattutto per un breve periodo ho lavorato a casa blu, dove gli operatori fanno di tutto per permettere agli ospiti di stare bene, li lavano, preparano i pasti, gli procurano e li accompagnano alle varie attività.
Ma l'Approdo penso sia molto importante per il futuro dei ragazzi. Gli operatori si curano alla stessa maniera dei ragazzi e cercano di dare loro lo stesso amore delle proprie famiglie, li seguono nel percorso scolastico, li curano quando sono malati, procurano vestiti e possono trovare tutto il materiale di uso quotidiano di cui hanno bisogno.
"Da casa a casa" significa che quando i ragazzi atrrivano dai loro paesi le case famiglia non lasciano che vivano in strada e li portano nella loro altra casa chiamata casa famiglia.
Entrare all'Approdo è come girare intorno al mondo, culture differenti e differenti lingue e idee, storie interessanti  e molto amore. Ragazzi dall'Asia, Africa ed Europa.
E grazie al presidente di Spes Contra Spem, Luigi Vittorio, all'idea venutagli in mente per offrire tali opportunità per le persone in queste condizioni che davvero hanno bisogno.
E grazie al responsabile dell'Approdo e a tutti gli educatori che sono passati per questa gioiosa casa e hanno iniziato a sorridere e per il loro buon comportamento.
In questi due anni per fortuna il gruppo di giovani ragazzi e ragazze hanno impegnato il loro prezioso tempo in un così "santo" lavoro e attività che fanno per queste quattro case famiglia.

Baryali Waiz


What is home ?

To live together with family , to share your problems and to stay face to face to your mother
And to see her face.
Sometimes the children lose their family and they don’t know who were and who is their family and mother. Looking to other women to take their faces and think may my mother was like her or different? They are thinking always to see her face and go back to their families.
Thousand of immigrates children comes to Europe and other country of the world without families without anyone who can help these children .
Some of them in some countries are sleeping on the street and there are no body to help them even he or she is sick or with thousand of problems .
But fortunately when they arrive here in Italy the government send them to family houses or other centres for the children ,I don’t know how it works in other cities of Italy, but i know some of family houses in Rome .

CPIM: is the reception centre for immigrate children without family, helping them to start taking their legal documents for staying in Italy and to teach them about Italian society.
First the children goes to reception centres for registration then they send them to family houses to start activities for their future

SPES CONTRA SPEM: is a social cooperative with many activities and four centres for different peoples with different problems.

  1. CASA BLU which is for disable people with more than 30 operators which are working 24 hours and take care of them.
  2. CASA SALVATORE  this is also for disable people but not the same problems that the casa blue have .
  3. APPRODO this is for minors for Italian and other immigrates those who are without families and some one to help them.
  4. SEMI DI AUTONOMIA this is the centre when the boys in Approdo got 18 years old then they transferred to this Semi di Autonomia.

In these four houses I have been and I have seen how it works but specially for a small period I have worked also with casa blu , that operators are struggling for them to be happy, give them bath, prepare for food bring them for the vacations many activities.
But the APPRODO is I think very important because for the future of the children. The operators of the Approdo family house are doing the same activities for the children and give them love of their families , send them to school, take care of them when they are sick, cloths all daily materials that they want to use can find inside there.
Home to home means that when the children are coming from their countries so the family houses don’t let them to be on the street and take them to their another home which is called family house.
Entering to Approdo is like walking around the world, different cultures different languages different ideas and interesting stories and more love. People from Asia, Africa and Europe.
And thanks for the president of the SPES CONTRA SPEM Luigi Vittorio that how it comes to his mind and to make such a opportunity for the people who really need help in such a conditions .
And to Federico Feliciani who is the responsible for Approdo and all educators those who are coming inside this nice house and start smiling and for their good behaves .

In these last two years by fortune the group of young girls and young boys to spend their expensive times in such a holy job and good activities with these four houses .

Baryali Waiz

mercoledì 13 luglio 2011

what does smuggling mean among the society and government


When most people think about smuggling, they think about smuggling of drugs or of other things.  I think the most dangerous form of smuggling is when it involves human beings.  Thousands of people lose their lives that way.

The most important thing that international law enforcement agencies and border police must concentrate on is saving people’s lives. Governments often know who is engaged in smuggling people and where they do it, but national governments and Interpol don’t take enough action against them.

About 3 years ago, a truck travelling from Pakistan to Iran was loaded with containers in which more than a hundred human beings --  adults, teenagers  and young boys – were hidden. The containers were closed. There were no vents for air, no food and no bathroom. By the time the truck arrived in Quetta, a Pakistani city on the border with Iran, it smelled very bad.  People on the street could tell immediately that something was wrong. When the police opened the truck, they found that most people inside the containers were dead.  Many others were in a coma.  This was breaking news all over the world.   There are many, many other cases of smuggling that are not reported in the newspapers and where insufficient action is taken to stop it. 

I am writing this article because I have seen smuggling with my own eyes.  When I made my journey from Afghanistan to Italy, I saw a lot of smuggling and saw many dead bodies and injured people who had been transported by truck or bus in the mountains and by ship on the sea. I think about these people’s families who are still waiting to hear from or to see their children again, counting every minute for months or years.

Thousands of people are trying to escape from dangerous places to go to live in other countries where they will be safer. But hopes are destroyed and lives are lost when the smugglers transport them in dangerous ways. How we stop this?

Kidnapping people followed by smuggling then across borders is also a terrible problem.  There are groups in some countries that kidnap children and take them to other countries. I have heard about some central Asian countries were infants are kidnapped and then used in camel races in the desert.  The infants are strapped onto the back of the camels, which run faster when the children scream.  If the baby dies, the child’s body parts are taken and sold.

What can we do to get the help of governments and Interpol to stop smuggling and trafficking in human beings?


Baryali Waiz

martedì 24 maggio 2011

secret days and secret ways

the new articles about many things , stories and book SECRET DAYS AND SECRET WAYS will come soon by the help of my dear friends...